Chilia dreams to own business

Ni-Vanuatu student Damien Chilia travelled from Port Vila, Vanuatu, to the Fiji National University (FNU) with high hopes of establishing his own business after gaining a qualification in the marketing field.
The former Central School student is enrolled in the Bachelor of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations and Marketing programme at FNU’s College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (CBHTS).
The 19-year-old said FNU has been renowned for being the foundation of students’ career paths through its provision of various programmes and courses.
“I heard about FNU from the people back home, about how FNU connects students to their dreams. I was encouraged by listening to all the positive remarks, which is why I decided to join FNU,” he shared.
“I am honoured to be studying at FNU and I am currently adjusting myself to the environment and the facilities at the University.”
“My sister is working in the human resources field back in Vanuatu and seeing her grow professionally is why I decided to join the human resources field.”
“I hope that with the right qualification from FNU and experience gained, I will be able to open my own business back in my home country. If you believe in yourself and work towards your goals, everything is possible.”
Chilia said he would work hard for the next three years to make his parents proud.
“Most of the people from my country come to FNU for tertiary studies, so being at FNU makes us feel at home. We can easily adapt to the culture and mingle with our local friends,” he said.
“The fees are also affordable compared to other institutes, and the students are able to pursue their dreams at an affordable fee and bring smiles to their parents’ faces.”
Source: FNU Press Release