
October 19, 2021

iTaukei and Rotuman small businesses to get support

MDF Country Director Malcolm Bossley and iTaukei Trust Fund Board CEO Aisake Taito

The iTaukei Trust Fund Board (TTFB) and the Market Development Facility are to work together to support iTaukei and Rotuman Micro Small and Medium Enterprises to build business management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

They say capital and technical operational challenges have “deterred and staggered iTaukei and Rotuma entrepreneurial ambitions” and that through the establishment of Business Development Services (BDSs), they hope to alleviate some of the more fundamental ones, to ensure the sustainable longevity of resource owner-based businesses.

Under the partnership, the Market Development Facility (MDF) will work to build the capacity building of TTFB’s local Entrepreneurship Development Advisers, so they are better able to support indigenous entrepreneurship and business growth.

The organisations will also develop a simple guide that will assist local communities to engage more effectively with the private sector and provide a framework for the consultation and development of more sustainable business models and practices.

TTFB’s CEO Aisake Taito says “This initiative satisfies one of our strategic mandates, which is to support and guide the management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills of iTaukei and Rotumans.”

TTFB will advertise for local trainers and/or advisors to undergo a Training of Trainers (TOT) programme, to deliver selected trainings and business advisory services in future. The TOT will take place around mid January 2022, so the advert may go out a month prior.  

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