Pacific Trade Invest Australia takes social media masterclass to Fiji

Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia last week hosted over 170 participants in a social media masterclass.
The event in partnership with Investment Fiji saw participation from people in Fiji’s ravel and tour sector, accommodation, marine and activities sector and retail, along with representation from the government sector. Fiji businesses from across Australia and New Zealand also participated virtually. A part of PTI Australia’s E-Commerce Connector Series, PTI Australia’s Social Media Masterclass focused on how Facebook and Instagram can drive sales.
Jeremy Grennell, PTI Australia’s General Manager of Export, said the ongoing impact of COVID-19 highlighted the importance of e-commerce and digital connection, an aspect of trade that’s only set to grow.
“The impact of ongoing lockdowns has had a significant impact on business in Fiji and the Pacific. This reality was illustrated in the PTI Pacific Business Monitor 2021 Report which showed that by the end of 2021, 74% of businesses in Fiji had reported COVID-19 to have had a negative impact on their business and 74% had reported a decline in revenue, highlighting the importance of having a strong digital presence that enables virtual connections and sales.”
“To enable business in Fiji to strengthen their digital presence, PTI Australia partnered with Investment Fiji to deliver a Social Media Masterclass to support participants in setting up the fundamentals of their social media accounts, and how to use content marketing and advertising to grow and drive sales. Fiji is rich in creative thinking and both strong business and brand production, so we were really excited to deliver this particular masterclass.”
Shamron Murray, Business Development Manager at South Pacific Thatching Company, said the masterclass introduced a whole new suite of useful Facebook features that she can use to grow her business.
Padmika Herath, Project Manager of Niranjans Autoport, said she found the masterclass to be an overwhelmingly positive experience, with the presentation filled with relevant content, immensely pertinent to her role in digital marketing.
PTI has been running a series of masterclasses. Follow their Facebook feed to learn more.