PTI Australia to host webinar for Pacific freelancers

Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia invites freelancers from across the region to participate in their upcoming webinar, ‘Introduction to the Digital Services Sector’.
This 90-minute session is a pivotal component of PTI Australia’s latest initiative to bolster the Pacific’s digital presence amidst an increasingly digitised global service economy.
Taking place on Tuesday 15 August 2023, the webinar will be led by Asha Forsyth, an accomplished trainer and successful freelancer for global businesses and organisations. She will be joined by Mere Nailatikau, a proud Fijian storyteller and independent consultant with over fifteen years of experience as a development professional in strategic communications and public diplomacy.
The webinar will aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the thriving Digital Services Sector, equipping participants with insights into potential freelance opportunities and how to seize them effectively.
“The global digital services market is projected to reach a staggering USD$9.2 billion by 2028, offering immense potential for the Pacific region. The ability to export digital services internationally as a sole trader, without rigorous criteria or location constraints makes this sector particularly transformative and inclusive for women and youth in the Pacific,” PTI Australia’s General Manager of Export, Jeremy Grennell, highlighted.
Participants will gain a unique insight into PTI Australia’s new Digital Services Program, which will be opening for applications soon, and tailoring support for Pacific-based professionals in their journey into the world of digital freelancing.
Registration for the ‘Introduction to the Digital Services Sector’ webinar can be done online on PTI Australia’s website –