Scholarships to attend 1st Pacific Beekeeping Congress

The 1st Pacific Islands Beekeeping Congress is coming to Nadi, Fiji, from May 22–26, 2023 supported by Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON), Fiji BeeKeepers Association and Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Participants will enjoy hands-on beekeeping workshops, training sessions, presentations from local and international beekeeping experts, beekeeping tours and the opportunity to network with other Pacific Island beekeepers.
The scholarships pay for:
• Attendee’s economy airfare to and from Nadi Fiji
• Hotel in Nadi (maximum 6 nights), and
• Congress attendance fee
There is sufficient funding to award one or more scholarships to beekeepers in each South Pacific island country or territory.
Anyone involved in the beekeeping industry in the south pacific is eligible to apply for this scholarship. Priority is given to beekeepers who have demonstrated enthusiasm for improving their own beekeeping, sharing their beekeeping knowledge, and/or developing the beekeeping industry in their country.
Request a scholarship application form and instructions by sending an email to John Caldeira at