Roadside stall initiative expands

Twenty Fijians around Navua have received lease agreements under the Fijian Government’s Roadside Stalls initiative, with government expecting to hand over 71 such agreements in total around the country.
Roadside vending in Fiji has long played a crucial role as a source of jobs, revenue and value addition to the local economy – providing a flexible link in the economic supply chains. The standardised roadside stalls are permanent fixtures that contribute to connecting subsistence farmers to commuters along the Queens Highway, while ensuring safe and hygiene storefronts.
Adi Kelera Vudiniabola, whose lease agreement was renewed for another two years is happy with the arrangement. “I’ve been living here for almost 30 years and selling along the road for almost 10 years!” said Ms Vudiniabola.
“We have more customers and we even get tourists stop by. Some of the tourists just come and admire the stall,” added Ms Vudiniabola.
The Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport invites Fijian businesses, interested organisations and individuals to enter into a Public–Private Partnership to sponsor a roadside stall that contributes to the development of the grassroot entrepreneurs.